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segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2013

Como fazer camas suspensas.

Olá meus queridos leitores !!!!

Recebi esse post e resolvi compartilhá-lo aqui no meu blog, porque além de mostrar a idéia eles dão todas as dicas necessárias para colocarmos a mão na massa, bárbaro isso hein??
Dêem uma olhadinha e divirtam-se!!!

Nina Guti  :)

Make a hanging or suspended bed

If you're looking for bed options for a shared bedroom rather than settle for bunk beds, hanging or suspended beds - or loft beds - offer a solution where you can install beds and still have plenty of floor space for play and study. With the added advantage of being able to buy everything you need at your local Builders Warehouse, these beds are definitely a more affordable option.

loft bed hanging bunk bed suspended bed hanging bed
Hanging bunk style beds are a great idea for shared bedrooms. They allow an elevated sleeping area with plenty of space underneath for play or study.
Heidi Kruger Creations made these hanging beds for her boy's room.
Each bed has two corners that are fitted with eyelet bolts to hold the thick chain supports. Eyelet bolts - with hex nuts - are fitted to the bed frame and also mounted into ceiling beams to support the beds.

Not to be confused with ceiling battens or ceiling beams, you need to attach the eyelet bolts to thick beams that are part of the roof construction, and not the beams that support ceiling panels.
Use only quality eyelet bolts with a length that will go through the beam and can be secured with a hex nut to ensure safety and security when mounting the bed.

The back side of the PAR pine frame is attached to the wall with expanding bolts.

loft bed hanging bunk bed suspended bed hanging bed

One bed is in place you can look at fitting a ladder to one side or end of the bed.
When my boys were young I fitted a very similar bed system in their small bedroom, but as an alternative to chains I added thick (100 x 100mm) PAR pine posts to the corners of the bed to create more of a loft bed as shown below. I have always like the idea of raising a bed to allow the floor space to be used.

loft bed hanging bunk bed suspended bed hanging bed

loft bed hanging bunk bed suspended bed hanging bed
BELOW: While I do like this idea I'm not sure about using rope as an alternative to chains. But it is a great idea for a holiday cottage where more beds need to be fitted into a single bedroom.
loft bed hanging bunk bed suspended bed hanging bed

Disclaimer: For safety reasons, test the bed to ensure safe mounting, as Janice Anderssen nor Home-Dzine except any liability for unafe or incorrect mountings.

Janice Anderssen

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